About the conference
The 8th Shaping Conference, organized jointly by the European Ceramic Society and the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology Empa in partnership with the Swiss Association for Materials Science and Technology SVMT, will be held at Empa in Dübendorf, Switzerland, from September 14-16th, 2022.
The conference will focus on the advanced shaping processes applied to ceramics and ceramics-based composites.
The program will be composed of invited talks, oral presentations, as well as poster sessions and complemented by a student speech contest. Plenary lectures by well-known scientists in their respective fields will deliver up-to-date insights into selected aspects of shaping in ceramics.
Preceding the conference, a Summer School under the title "A swiss knife for ceramics shaping: Between fiction, hope and vision" will be held on September 13th and 14th, 2022 devoted to ceramics processing science.
The program will aim to enrich the knowledge of the participants, widening their perspective on selected topics related to ceramic shaping processes and allow them to expand their network getting in contact with experts in the respective and related fields.